Monday, 12 May 2014

Company and Title Logos

To finalise the comic covers I have produced a couple of logos. The first is the title of the comic "Hunters".
I chose use the carbon fibre texture from Kara's armour as this is a material I want to feature on the gear of the members of the team of bounty hunters. The font was made square and bold and embossed to give the impression that it was made of a strong substance. The outer glow was added as the logo is fairly dark and this would help it pop against darker covers.

The other logo that was created for the final covers is a mock company logo called "Big Moose Comics". The reason behind the name is a long story but as it features Moose I wanted to make the logo look like a Canadian road sign, the likes seen warning of Moose crossing roads.
Originally I thought about mounting a moose head on a road sign to look like a hunting trophy though by the time the logo was shrunk down any detail would be lost and the "Big" part of the name would be not be illustrated. When shrunk down this logo is bold enough to read and see the image so I feel is more suitable than the original idea.

The 2 logos will be arranged on the covers for final submissions to give more of a complete look.

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