The final design of the character after it is finished and the brightness and contrast is tweeked. This art will be used for one of the 2 final comic book covers that will be produced for the final outcome of the project.
The character has come out with all the elements I wanted initially. I do think that it needs something more to tie it to sci fi as I feel that it could potentially fit into a fantasy setting also. Possibly it will read better when seen in the context of the story. Perhaps some sort of equipment could help this issue also? Something to consider if i take this project further after the end of the semester.
Another mistake I made with the production of the image is that I flattened the original sketch into the render and failed to get tidy of it all so this still shows through slightly.
Colour wise I think the painting works well. The character looks like he fits his background and with the lighting running across the character helps to tie him in. one of my peers has pointer out that the lighting works across the character apart from the spots on the character's skin. They have all come out the same colour from head to tail rather than having the transition from light to dark like the other skin colours do.
Overall I feel the painting works well despite the issues.
The intention of the painting was to give the feeling that the water is clear but quickly gets less inviting the deeper it goes.The texture on the background was to give the impression that where the water looks clearer at the top there is an impression of gasses and unsettled sediment.
Though there are the issues outlined above with the painting I am content with the final outcome. The character looks like a bottom feeder and looks very amphibious. I am glad that I went with this colour scheme as it helps to tie the character into the murky, amazon like water environments outlined as the characters home planet in the series bible.